Stargate Archives

Saturday, 31 January 2009

Jan blues

It's been a slow time at work, the global economy has slashed our export order books and a slow down in UK sales has put everyone on edge, it's not critical right now but it can't continue like this without the usual staff reductions to counter reduced production targets.
I had my yearly assessment and it went well, I may be having some training in another department to make me more useful to the company and provide coverage in that area, hopefully that means redundancies are not imminent.

On the post-xmas period I've paid all the debts and managed to go through the whole month without spending any money on anything but essentials. The decision to only buy Blu-rays in 2 for 1 or 3 for 2 deals has helped, yes I can't buy on day of release but a few quid savings are worth the wait.

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