Stargate Archives

Friday, 18 May 2012

An interesting working week.

Well it's friday and the end of the week but I kinda drew the lucky straw and was asked if I fancied some overtime tomorrow (Sat 6am till 2pm) and I want to do right by the boss so why not. We also got our highest weekly bonus which hit £102 which was basically thanks to quite a few official and unoffical holidays plus a very heavy order book, we worked our socks off and got the reward:)
The big news this week was the purchase of my overall employer (Thomas & Betts) buy ABB a much bigger player in the global electrical product market and while nothing is going to happen anytime soon there is always questions being asked. The good point for Furse (the company I work for) is that as a whole and Nottingham in particular we are very profitable and have good market share and brand awareness, time will tell.
For now I better get back to editing this weeks Gatecast podcast episode, not much time to do it with an early night and busy Saturday:)

ABB Acquires T&B

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