Soul Music by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Something new and wild is loose in the Discworld, where it came from we don't know but one thing is for sure, the inhabitants of the Disc are not ready for it but in the meantime, turn the volume upto 11 and just let the Music with Rocks In take you on a journey.
Soul Music has never been a novel I was interested in reading again, even with the development of Susan (Mort and Ysabell's daughter) the main story of rock music being introduced to the Disc and the birth of the rebel musicians, concerts and festivals along with all the negatives of corporate music was too outside the main Discworld focus. In that regard it is simply a matter of taste not a reflection on the writing or story telling Terry is well known for. There is a lot of humour in the story and a lot of it very much linked to music which readers may or may not recognise, pretty sure on my first read I didn't all the references and I may have missed a few this time around. Soul Music is worthy of the Discworld but not a novel I will be going back to any time soon.
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