Stargate Archives

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Making Money by Terry Pratchett


Making Money (Discworld, #36)Making Money by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Making Money is a sequel to Going Postal with many of the characters returning and once again it is Moist that takes centre stage. Having succeeded beyond all measure with returning the Post Office to its former glory he is tasked in a roundabout way with overhauling the banking system of the city if not the entire discworld. Moist not only has to handle the current banks predatory shareholders but also the introduction of paper money and the revelation someone out there knows his criminal past.
Making Money didn't quite reach the peaks of Going Postal but it does come close, Moist is a great character and the situations Terry wrote for him were entertaining as were the methods he choose to deal with them. Wind up sex toys, golems, fake Vetenaris and clowns are all thrown into the mix with excellent results and provide the reader with a grand story of the Discworld.

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