Stargate Archives

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Failure Mode by Craig Alanson


Failure Mode (Expeditionary Force, #15)Failure Mode by Craig Alanson
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Failure Mode is the final novel in the Expeditionary Force series which started so long ago with the awesome Columbus Day which for me begin my enjoyment of Skippy and the Merry Band of Pirates.
Alas we know from all forms of media closing a long running series is always difficult, you have an informed fanbase with so many expectations and opinions and rarely do you satisfy everyone.
For my sins I can not give this novel a respectable rating, it didn't fulfill my expectations but overall the series has been magnificent and this final installment has not significantly affected my willingness to recommend the Expeditionary Force novels to anyone looking for science fiction set in our current timeframe with humour and plenty of the fantastic.
Let's be honest though, if you've invested in Craig's story for so long you are going to read this book and may many indeed come away happy but more than anything I am grateful for a very enjoyable experience over the years and look forward to the spin off which will focus on the Ethics & Compliance Office and specifically Uhtavio Scorandum.

View all my reviews

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