Stargate Archives

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Redshirts by John Scalzi


RedshirtsRedshirts by John Scalzi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Is there a kiss of death for lowly officers or crewman assigned to the UU Intrepid?
Well the ship under the command of Captain Lucius Abernathy does have a regrettable reputation of losing officers and crewmen in spectacular ways yet somehow the main bridge crew and command staff always seem to survive. If this sounds familiar then yes in this Universe there was a show called Star Trek where the joke became anyone in a red shirt and on a landing party (away mission) probably wouldn't last long, often making sure the command staff (aka stars of the tv show) could make it home. Could a tv show from centuries ago being influencing events in the real world, is it possible that if an extra dies on the show before the first ad break then his or her doppelganger is destined for the same fate....
Redshirts is a novel I have long enjoyed reading, a few years back there were strong rumours of a television production but nothing came of it yet you read this novel you have got to think it would fit in with "new" Trek and The Orville mindsets. The novel is very funny and has an edge that John brings to all of his work, being a scifi fan and specifically Trek will certainly help which may dent its appeal to the general audience, if that is you then give it a go, you will enjoy it.

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